Frequently Asked Questions

Who is CCMP?

CCMP stands for “California Christian Mission to the Philippines”. To read more about them click on the CCMP logo below.

Why Chalkboard?

The ministry started over dinner when some friends asked a couple if they could provide a much needed chalkboard to their nephew, a teacher at a high school in Botolan. From a classroom chalkboard, 1,000s of people have heard the gospel and over 100 have been baptized.

Who are the Aetas?

Aetas are the original aboriginal people of the Philippines. They are a nomadic hunter gatherer tribal group. On the island of Luzon they were displaced when Mt. Pinatubo erupted in 1991.

What do you do for the Aetas?

Chalkboard ministers to these people in their barangays by partnering with local churches to provide physical needs such as food, clothing and medical services. We try to meet their spiritual needs by sharing the gospel of Jesus.

Why do you do these things?

To fulfill the Great Commission and feel His pleasure.

What has been the result?

1,000s of people have been fed, clothed and received medical services. The same amount and more have heard the gospel. Many decisions and baptisms have occurred. We do not count the baptisms but believe it numbers over 100. Our goal is just one more, again and again.

What are your future plans?

We have developed a plan to reach all Aeta population groups in Luzon that will accept us. Currently, we are working toward 7 areas in Luzon and working in 3. Additionally, community centers, job training and microlending are areas we are developing.

How can I help?

The first area is prayer that we will continue to be in the Lord’s favor, we will be accepted into these communities and the enemy is defeated. Secondly, if you are led to be a part of this ministry contact us and we will be happy to help you serve.

Does it make a difference?

The best way to answer this question is to share about our second feeding at Lakas High School. The principal thanked us for being there and noted that one student from the previous visit had passed away from malnutrition related illness. We knew then that we had to be in Botolan. Yes, we make a difference, physically and spiritually.